How can we prevent drinking and driving?

Drunk driving costs thousands of lives and billions of dollars across the nation. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), 19 percent of all fatal crashes in United States involve people driving under the influence of alcohol.
Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol is not only dangerous it’s illegal. In Texas, the law differentiates between DUI and DWI, or driving while intoxicated, but both are criminal charges. In most cases, when a person 21 years or older is caught driving drunk in Texas, they are charged with a DWI, while minors caught driving drunk are charged with a DUI, depending on the level of alcohol in your blood, the blood alcohol concentration (BAC). If you are 21 or over and have a BAC of 0.08 percent or more, you can be charged with a DWI. For minors, any detectable amount of alcohol can get you arrested and charged with a DUI.
While the statistics might seem bleak, DUI prevention is possible. If you are under the legal drinking age of 21, the best DUI prevention plan is not to drink at all. Whatever your age, if you decide to drink, you can follow these DUI prevention tips to keep you safe on the roads.
- If you’re drinking, choose someone who isn’t as a designated driver
- You can ask for ride.
- Protect your friends by taking their keys if they try to drive after drinking alcohol.
- At parties, serve food and keep an eye on guests who might be drinking too much. Call cabs or arrange for a sober driver to take them home.
- Keep alcohol out of hands of minors.
Prevention for DUI is possible following the above tips. As before, the best way to prevent a DUI is to not drink at all.
What is the punishment for drunk and drive?

If you get drunk and drive and get caught, you will face fines and possible jail time. In Texas, as a Class B misdemeanor, a first offense for a DWI is a fine of up to $2,000 and anywhere from 72 hours to 180 days in jail. Your license will also get suspended for anywhere from 90 to 365 days. If your BAC is .15% or over, charge gets bumped to a Class A misdemeanor with fines up to $4,000 and 3 days to 1 year of county jail time, along with license suspension for 90 to 365 days. Further penalties can result if you are caught with an open container of alcohol in your vehicle.
Additionally, you might also be required to complete a program to correct the behavior that led to the DWI. Failure to complete the program risks loss of license.
For minors charged with a DUI, the charge is a Class C misdemeanor. It’s unlikely a first-time offender if he or she is a minor will spend any time in jail. Repeat offenders likely will.
Fines for DUI are usually up to $500. Your license may be suspended for up to 60 days. Additionally, as with a DWI, you may be required to complete a program to correct the behavior that led to the DUI. You may also be required to complete 20 to 40 hours of community service.
Minors can be charged with a DWI and face larger fines and jail time if their BAC is over the legal limit.
If you are arrested and charged with a DWI, a judge will set a bail which if paid will get you out of jail so you can work on your case. Bail bonds are what we do at ATX Bail Bonds. So if you need bail in Austin, TX, make sure to call us at 512.834.2245. In some states like California, it will be DUI bail that you seek if you are caught driving under the influence.
How dangerous is drunk driving?
Drunk driving can be deadly. Not only are you more likely to have an accident when you drink and drive, your chances are greater that accident will involve a death or deaths, either you, your friends or perfect strangers. Of the fatal accidents on the road today, one out of three will involve alcohol.
How can I avoid a DUI conviction?

The obvious way to avoid a DUI conviction is to not drink or to have a designated driver. Staying below the legal limit of 0.08% BAC may also help you avoid a conviction and limiting the amount of alcohol you drink. Keep in mind that a 12-ounce can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine or 1 ½ ounces of whiskey or other distilled spirits all contain the same amount of alcohol.
If you are pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving, only get out of the car if the officer asks you to do so. Comply with the officer and don’t be argumentative. If you are charged with the offense, make sure to hire an attorney experienced it DUI or DWI cases.
The obvious way to avoid a DUI conviction is to not drink or to have a designated driver. Staying below the legal limit of 0.08% BAC may also help you avoid a conviction and limiting the amount of alcohol you drink. Keep in mind that a 12-ounce can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine or 1 ½ ounces of whiskey or other distilled spirits all contain the same amount of alcohol.
If you are pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving, only get out of the car if the officer asks you to do so. Comply with the officer and don’t be argumentative. If you are charged with the offense, make sure to hire an attorney experienced it DUI or DWI cases.
Do DUI laws work?
Although some studies show that strict laws against DUI don’t necessarily prevent drinking and driving or the fatal crashes that often result from the offense, they do deter drivers, making them reconsider getting behind the wheel. And while they haven’t stopped crashes altogether, these laws do, according to the CDC, save thousands of lives.
Preventative measures such as interlock devices that keep cars from starting if a person’s BAC is at a certain level are some of the most effective tools used in DUI prevention.
DUI prevention classes
DUI prevention classes can also be effective tools to stop DUI. When people are informed early about the risks of driving drunk, they are able to make better choices. Teens, in particular, in recent years have responded to these classes. They are learning especially not to get into cars whose drivers have been drinking.
Needing bail?
If you’ve been arrested and charged with a DWI in Austin, TX, you can get help getting out of jail with bail services from ATX Bail Bonds. For help with bail, call 512.834.2245.