Probation represents an opportunity to remain a productive member of society.
Probation represents an alternative to a jail sentence. The probationer still gets convicted of a crime, but has the opportunity to remain a productive member of society. Of course, probation comes with many rules and requirements. While these differ based on the conviction and judge, some general tips can help anyone achieve probation success.
Stay Clean
All probation comes with the requirement to avoid illegal activity. If you commit another crime and get caught, you can expect trouble. For many convictions, regular drug tests become a requirement of probation. If you committed a crime that involved the use of alcohol, you can except tests for this substance as well. To succeed on probation and not fail to a positive result, avoid prohibited substances.
Complete Requirements
A judge will assign the specific requirements of your probation. Most people receive some combination of community service, fines, restitution, and counseling. You will need to finish all of these before the end of your probation. Your supervision officer will regularly check your progress and set benchmarks for your achievement. You can make a good impression if you complete your requirements and pay fees well ahead of time.
Keep Appointments
Probation comes with many regular appointments, whether for drug tests, classes or counseling, or to meet with your officer. For probation success, you will need to keep all these appointments. If you need to miss one for whatever reason, make sure you give your officer plenty of advance notice.
To make the most of probation, consider it an opportunity, rather than a punishment. If you fail to meet requirements, however, expect to go back to jail. If you or someone you know violates probation and gets sent back to jail, you will need a bail bond. For fast jail release in Austin, TX, contact 512.834.2245 for the professionals at ATX Bail Bonds.